Light Notes #4: Sojourn Collection, 2019

Originally planned to be shot at the roof deck of a building, bad weather forced us to completely revamp and create a new concept for the campaign. Luckily for us, the house of one of the clients was offered as a the new shoot location, which was way better than our original space.

The interiors were full of antiques and muted pieces, a seemingly highly curated collection from travels around Europe. Complimented by textured walls, my lighting peg was an easy choice: dramatic “window” light, as if coming from torches and lanterns outside a castle.

In order to achieve this I set my main light with an octabox with a grid to provide good contrast but still with a soft fall on the skin. The position of the light was from the side to emphasize on the shadows of the walls.

To counter the extreme position of the main light, I had another light set with a shoot through white umbrella to serve as a fill and to lessen the intensity of the shadows.

Photography by Artu Nepomuceno, assisted by Ignacio Gador
Secondary Camera JT Fernandez, assisted by Yuban Fujiwara
Styling and Direction by Meg Manzano
Musing by Samantha Humphries

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